Toggle Health Problems and D

Vitamin D and Opioids both reduce Magnesium, which results in constipation – Sept 2016

Opioid Induced Constipation and Magnesium Vitamin D Survivor Sept 2016

Constipation - Magnesium, Calcium and cofactors – Vitamin D Life is included below

Increased Vitamin D ==> Decreases Mg ==> Constipation

Admin of Vitamin D Life agrees

I had the worst constipation of my life after taking lots of vitamin D before I started adding Magnesium to the cofactors which I had been taking

Clippings from the internet July 2010: Constipation, Magnesium, and Cofactors

See also Vitamin D Life

Members of my family noticed this as well.

  • My 103 year old father-in-law had lots of constipation after increasing vitamin D to 17,000 IU daily - cured by also increaseing his Magnesium intake
  • My 73 year-old wive had constipation when taking hydrocodone untill we increase her Magnesium intake

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