Toggle Health Problems and D

Obesity causes half a million cancer deaths annually – mainly in developed countries – Jan 2015

Obesity Now Causes Half a Million Cancers a Year, Worldwide Mercola

  • N early two-thirds of obesity-related cancers—which include colon, rectum, ovary, and womb cancers—occur in North America and Europe
  • women are twice as likely to develop obesity-related cancer
    examples: postmenopausal breast, endometrial, and colon cancer.
  • Obesity was associated with 5.4 % of all new cancers in women (globally) in 2012
    8 % in developed nations
    1.5 % in developing countries

Story posits that obesity might be due to

  • Overuse of antibiotics in food production and medicine
  • Growth-enhancing drugs used in food animals
  • Endocrine-disrupting chemicals, including pesticides
  • Artificial sweeteners
  • Aggressive stealth marketing of harmful junk food
  • Excessive sugar/and processed fructose,

See also Vitamin D Life

Whatever the cause, vitamin D has been shown to both prevent and treat obesity in somewhat less than half of women.

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