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Off topic – Half of seniors now take 5 or more drugs daily (before only 12 percent took 5) – July 2018

Polypharmacy in the Elderly Dr. Dean

  • “Shockingly, patients on 5+ drugs per day grew from 12% (1991-1994) to 49% (2008-2011). Did you get that? An increase from 12% to 49%. It seems unbelievable until you learn that the prescriptions for heart drugs rose by 230%.”

Half of over-65s take at least five drugs a day Telegraph UK

Appears to be the source of Dr. Dean’s data

The other big drug problem: Older people taking too many pills Washington Post

  • “Researchers estimate that 25 percent of people ages 65 to 69 take at least five prescription drugs to treat chronic conditions, a figure that jumps to nearly 46 percent for those between 70 and 79.”

Notice that 88% of seniors took at least one prescription drug in the past month


See also Vitamin D Life

10 reasons why seniors need more vitamin D has the following

  1. Senior skin produces 3X less Vitamin D for the same sun intensity
  2. Seniors have fewer vitamin D receptors as they age
    (The effect of low Vitamin D receptor genes does not show up on vitamin D test results)
  3. Seniors are indoors more than when when they were younger
    not as agile, weaker muscles; frail, no longer enjoy hot temperatures
    (if outside, stay in the shade), however, seniors might start outdoor activities like gardening, biking, etc.
  4. Seniors wear more clothing outdoors than when younger
    fear skin cancer/wrinkles, sometimes avoid bright light after cataract surgery
  5. Seniors often take various drugs which reduce vitamin D (some would not show up on vitamin D test) statins, chemotherapy, anti-depressants, blood pressure, beta-blockers, etc
  6. Seniors often have one or more diseases which consume vitamin D ( osteoporosis, diabetes, MS, ...)
  7. Seniors generally put on weight at they age - and a heavier body requires more vitamin D
  8. Seniors often (40%) have fatty livers – which do not process vitamin D as well
  9. Seniors not have as much Magnesium needed to use vitamin D
    (would not show up on vitamin D test)
  10. Seniors with poorly functioning kidneys do not process vitamin D as well
    (would not show up on vitamin D test) 2009 full text online  Also PDF 2009
  11. Vitamin D is not as bioavailable in senior digestive systems (Stomach acid or intestines?)

Created by admin. Last Modification: Thursday September 6, 2018 09:08:37 GMT-0000 by admin. (Version 3)

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